And God blessed them and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth... Gen. 1:28
Being fruitful is your heritage! Every member of Adam’s family is blessed to go forth and bear fruit. “Be fruitful” is not just a blessing; it is a commandment. God is expecting you and I to produce offspring.
Do you know that being fruitful goes beyond producing offspring, also called “the fruits of the womb”? (Ps. 127:3-5; 128: 3-4). To be fruitful also means to be effective: to produce results, to achieve intended goals and objectives; to succeed; to make profits; to produce helpful and positive outcomes.
Thus God wants you to bear fruits in every dimension. I call it 360 degree fruitfulness. Our spiritual lives must be productive. A Christian must win souls and produce fruits of the spirit. Our minds must innovate, produce inventions, books, albums, scripts, designs and other such fruits of the mind. The orator who makes a great speech is delivering fruits of the lips. The footballer is producing fruits of the legs when he wins a match. The advertising campaign that yields results is being fruitful, and so on.
PRAY: I receive grace to be fruitful in every dimension of my life. I pray for every ECU alumni member who is having challenged in the area of fruitfulness. May the God of Creation intervene in your lives! May all our projects yield positive outcomes! May our students and our children experience fruitfulness in their academics!
REMEMBER: May 24 is the watershed in the history of real estate business in Nigeria. ECU Members are coming BIG to exercise dominion on that sector. So many are already indicated interest. Limited seats available. Please reply this mail now to book your seat.
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