December 1, 2021



December 1, 2021






Dear Brethren,

I am sure I am not the only one exclaiming presently ‘wow, it is December already!’ Interestingly, and on the contrary, I still remember with a gush - childhood memories of how we used to countdown to December, knowing fully well it is going to be fun and scrumptious all the way. And whichever side of the divide you find yourself now, it is the dawn of a new month; December is here already! And it will be one to remember for good for us all in Jesus' mighty name, Amen!

For us all as the ECU Alumni Fellowship, it is the dawn of a new season also. The fellowship had come around a novel 100% virtual Reunion in mid-October this year, which also ushered in a new set of executives. In the words of Bro. Abiodun Fijabi, one of the speakers at the reunion and a member of the Planning Committee, said it was delivered with ‘ruthless efficiency’. And one of the key takeaways from the reunion as emphasized by Dr. Akinwumi Adeshina was the place of ‘works’ in our walk of Faith. He reiterated the consistent reference of ‘I know your works’ in the book of Revelation. He encouraged us all to lay on ourselves the demand for the doing of the good works of Faith as admonished in Eph. 2:10, and not just empty faith talkers.

And speaking about ‘works’, we cannot but appreciate and say a big thank you to all of you who have sacrificed and given tremendously towards the ECU Empowerment Center building project ongoing on campus. A short video was shared during the reunion where the Project Consultant, our own Prof. (Mrs) C.O. Osasona gave us a virtual walk around the site, the work done so far, and what is left to finish the building. We are currently navigating the roofing phase of the building project and working towards raising the needed funds to finish up the remaining phases. The number one vision and priority of the new alumni executive is to finish and dedicate the Empowerment Center building by the last quarter of 2022, God willing. We will need all your support and input in making this a reality. A dedicated plan is being put together to drive the last and completion phase of the project. This will be fully communicated to us all in the coming weeks.

Our brethren in Ibadan seem to have gotten on the December goodie harvest train earlier on in November, with their Family Hangout Session held on November 27. It was no doubt awesome and blessed to see faces of different generations come around to share, bond and network as one big family. This has obviously set the tone for the last ECU Rendezvous for the year 2021 which will come up on the 19th December. This alongside the ECU Prays event which was held on the 28th November, both organized by our 1980-1989 generational group has been of immense benefit to the larger number of our members. We encourage us all to hook up online (Zoom) and be a part of these alumni events.

In this same light, we are bringing a dedicated focus to our Alumni Chapters and Generational Groups across cities in Nigeria and also in the Diaspora globally. We are working towards encouraging them to be the lifeboats of our Alumni Fellowship where each-one can reach-one, and we can add quality values to the lives of our members across board. Please watch out and expect a buzzing ECU Alumni Chapter right in the heart of your city and close to your door-step!

The narrative globally is also changing about how we impact our immediate society with the right values we possess. We know we live in a dire world in need of solutions to myriads of issues. One of the cherished heritage we hold dear in ECU is the strong spiritual foundation we all have been built upon, and this has built strong character and future for most if not all of us. We need to take this ‘work’ to the world and communicate ECU as a Social Global Brand, influencing policies and making impact across borders. We are all going to be a part of this project, starting from our Jerusalem here in Nigeria, to the uttermost part of the world. Watch out!

Our door is open to all your contributions and suggestions as we arise to build this season, trusting the God of Heaven himself to prosper us.

Thank you. 

In His Service,

‘Jide Bakare

National President 

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web:               youtube: ECU Reunion 2021 

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